The Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
In 2016, planning partners joined together to submit an application to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) to develop a One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P) for the Cannon River Watershed. The goal of the 1W1P was to align local water planning on major watershed boundaries, with state strategies towards prioritized, targeted and measurable implementation plans. In August 2016, BWSR selected the Cannon River as one of seven major watersheds across the state to receive a planning grant.
In late 2016, the various county and SWCD boards from each of the six counties in the watershed, along with the Belle Creek Watershed District and the North Cannon River Watershed Management Organization, entered into a Memorandum of Agreement. This created the Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (CRWJPO). The CRWJPO was created to develop and implement the Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. The plan addresses the most significant threats to our water resources, along with an implementation strategy that would provide the greatest benefit to the watershed.
Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Board
The final Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan was approved by BWSR in June of 2020. The Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Board was also created at this time to govern over the implementation of the plan. The board consists of representatives from each county, SWCD, the Belle Creek Watershed District and the North Cannon Watershed Management Organization.
Learn more about the implementation goals and activities by reading the plans below:
The Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan Bylaws, Plans, Policies, and Rules
Please click on each item to read about each appendix, bylaw, plan, policy, and rule.
Project and Practice Funding Policy (updated 2/7/2024) (9/25/2020)
CRWJPB Workplan Amendment Policy (4/25/2022)
CRWJPO Operating Rules (updated 2/7/2024; 2/1/2023) (4/25/2022)
CRWJPB Bylaws (4/25/2022)
Education and Outreach Plan (7/06/2022)
CRWJPO Operating Appendices (updated 2/1/2023) (4/25/2022)